Trouble follows Chris Brown around like a lost puppy, but in this case, a pranking craze called “swatting” was the culprit and he was unfairly targeted.
We’ll preface by saying that since Breezy has a track record that includes domestic violence and an assault against his then-and-now girlfriend Rihanna, cops are bound to take a domestic violence call regarding the R&B superstar seriously. We don’t blame them for that.
However, as it turns out, a fake call was made and Los Angeles police arrived on the scene only to find that they were the victims of the swatting hoax, wasting their time and taxpayer resources.
Fake domestic calls are known as “swatting” and it’s the latest craze that’s annoying celebs. But it has deeper repercussions since it involves authorities being distracted from real problems.
RadarOnline reports that an unknown person (aka the swatter) called police before 5PM on Monday, Jan. 21 to report a domestic violence incident. When the cops turned up Breezy’s crib, they found that his staff was there, but he was not.
No, Breezy didn’t bounce to avoid being cuffed or dealing with the po-po. There was no “situation” at his house in the first place.
Cops searched the premises and found no suspicious behavior or activity.
Swatting isn’t funny. Yeah, it annoys celebs, but they’re fair game, given their choice to live life in the public eye. But the prank tactic, which is designed to get multiple units, including SWAT teams, to show up at a property is ridic. It takes the authorities attention away from legit calls and incidents. Crying wolf like this weakens the system.
Other swatting incidents in recent weeks involved Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.
Watch the Chris Brown ‘Turn Up the Music’ Video
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