One Direction sat down for a chat with Elle Girl Japan, and while you may not be able to understand most of the actual questions, we bet you’ll love the answers. The guys chatted about friendship, success and what clothes they love on a girl. (We bet you’re going to pay really close attention to that last part.)
Zayn Malik explained, “I think in terms of how our relationships have developed, we kind of understand each other’s boundaries a lot more now — in terms of, if somebody’s a bit tired not to annoy them, or if somebody’s a bit upset you might need to speak to them … just a new level of understanding among us now.”
Harry Styles added, “I think in terms of how we stay we friends, we built the relationship the right way when we first got together. We had this time when we had like, a week together to practice. I think we sang in total for like, an hour,” Styles admitted. “I think the rest of the time we just played football and ran around, watched films … that was kind of it.” How cute! He continued, “We made sure that we became friends first before we started working together.”
Louis Tomlinson, Harry’s BFF, quipped, “I think when it comes down to that friendship side, it either works or it doesn’t. We’re all just lucky that it worked really well and it’s just natural.”
The boys also dished on fashion. A fun fact? “I really love girls that wear a dress and Converse,” Styles revealed. “That is so hot, when she’s just so casual.” Get your Chucks ready, girls!
