Selena Gomez has already started the promotion machine for her against-type role in the film ‘Spring Breakers.’ Shedding her good girl image, the former Disney queen covers the February 2013 issue of Nylon, cloaked in a shredded, baby blue dress fashioned out of a basketball jersey and a cap. It’s street style Selena. Even the cover tag celebrates her professional maturation: Selena Gomez Drops the Princess Act.
We all know what else she dropped. Or, at least we think we know. It’s not a what but a who – her reported ex, Justin Bieber.
“I’m having fun,” Gomez said. “At the end of the day, love is such a normal thing, and everyone deals with it. Just because it’s a different lifestyle doesn’t change the meaning of what I’ve been raised on, which is fairytales.”
Way to tell us absolutely nothing about the status of you and JB, Sel. Thanks for the clarification.
Gomez also spoke about her BFF Taylor Swift, saying they “never once talked about our industry. She just became the person I’d go to for an issue with my family or boyfriend. It’s so hard to trust girls, so I’m lucky to have her.”
Aw. Something tells us the girls are burning up their smartphones, texting about Biebs and Swift’s ex, Harry Syles.
Sel, who’s lush, shiny dark brown hair is wild and untamed on the cover and the accompanying photo from the shoot, also spoke about the much-discussed ‘Spring Breakers’ role.
“I definitely felt that with my first stepping-out role, I should choose something that I could understand a little more. I was really nervous, but [director] Harmony [Korine] took a chance with me,” Gomez revealed. “He said, ‘You live in this bubble, and I’m going to take you out of it, but you have to trust me.’”
Even though Gomez is eager to embrace her “bad girl” side, she isn’t turning her back on her core, target audience. “I’ve told parents, ‘Make sure you don’t let your kids see ‘Spring Breakers,’ because with the title, you could think it would be cute or something,” she said. “I know it isn’t for the younger generation I have following me, but I’m also about to be 21. I felt like it was my little side project that I was super excited about, that would be under the radar.”
Under the radar? It’s all anyone is talking about re: Selena.
See the trailer here.
The February issue of Nylon is out on Jan. 29.
Watch the Selena Gomez ‘Who Says’ Video
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