Watch a Shirtless Zac Efron Climb Off a Cliff With Bear Grylls

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Just when you thought Zac Efron's random make out session with Michelle Rodriguez was as wild as it gets...The hunky actor just recently went out into the wild to try and survive with journeyman Bear Grylls.

The actor and his abs appear in Monday's series premiere of Running Wild with Bear Grylls to do crazy, omg-stunts with the nature-surviving TV host.

"We reached out to him and he kindly said he was a fan of the show and that he was in 120 percent," Bear told People magazine about Zac being on board. "He asked for the biggest, baddest adventure and it was an honor to oblige."

Bear and Zac explored an area of the Catskills Mountains where special forces used to train back in the 1800s. To give Zac a reason to want to climb off a cliff with him, Bear threw their backpacks into the water below. We can't even...

"I can't believe how high this is," Zac says before they leap off. "I like to think he got to use his muscles to their max through the adventure," Bear told the mag.

Zac is the first of several celebs to go on a crazy adventure trip with Bear. Ben Stiller, Channing Tatumand NFLer Deion Sanders are also traveling to remote locations in hopes of...surviving.

Running Wild with Bear Grylls airs Mondays, 8 p.m. EST on NBC. Watch Zac jump off the cliff shirtless, below. We can't decide which guy is hotter...seriously.
